Mineral Fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are inorganic substances that contain essential nutrients for plant growth and development. They are made from naturally occurring minerals or from synthetic chemicals. Mineral fertilizers are typically more concentrated and faster-acting than organic fertilizers.

Types of

Mineral Fertilizers

Zinc Fertilizers

Zinc fertilizers are inorganic or organic substances that contain zinc, an essential nutrient for plant growth and development...

Copper Fertilizers

Copper fertilizers are inorganic or organic substances that contain copper, an essential nutrient for plant growth and development...

Iron Fertilizers

Iron fertilizers are inorganic or organic substances that contain iron, an essential nutrient for plant growth and development...

Manganese Sulphur Bentonite 15 %

Manganese Sulphur Bentonite 15% is a fertilizer that contains 15% manganese and 65% sulphur...

Calcium Composite Fertilizer

Calcium composite fertilizer is a type of fertilizer that contains calcium and other essential nutrients for plant growth and development...